Welcome home to 28 beautifully manicured acres located in South Edmonton. Our one-of-a-kind retirement community is as convenient as it is scenic, just minutes away from shopping, a medical center, and plenty of cultural venues. Choose from 6 different floor plans starting at just $1,750, including 1- and 2-bedroom cottages, all overlooking our beautiful courtyard.
Address: 123 Platinum Street
City: Edmonton
Province: AB
Postal Code: T1T 1T1
Website: www.Edmonton55.com
Funded: Private Rental, AHS Subsidized Rental
Building Type: High Rise
Owner/Operator: Platinum Building Operator
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Contact Jolyn, Asssociate REALTOR® of Schmidt Realty Group Inc. to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session if you need to consider selling your current home to move into retirement living. Learn more about Jolyn’s Seniors Real Estate Specialist® services for SELLERS and for BUYERS , or read my ARTICLES about choosing the right next housing option for you.