Finding great gift ideas for seniors can be hard to do. Often they have everything they need, or they are in the process of downsizing and don't need more 'stuff'. So what do you get for the older adults in your life when you don't know what to get? I've put together a list of 3 types of gifts ... » Learn More about 15 Great Gift Ideas for Seniors in Your Life
Help Parents Age Well
Avoiding Social Isolation
Ending social isolation is the big ticket event in the seniors sector at the moment. Isolation is the new smoking - it's bad for you! It's as simple as that. When we get isolated - we stop moving around as much, we stop having as many conversations and our world gets smaller. Our minds and ... » Learn More about Avoiding Social Isolation
5 Signs Your Aging Parents Not Eating Well
What do you do when you are concerned your aging parents not eating well? How do you know without seeming like you are nosy or trying to manage their lives. In the video below - watch Jolyn - share tips to get quick insight into how to know if your aging parents aren't eating well. Watch for ... » Learn More about 5 Signs Your Aging Parents Not Eating Well